Super CDW, Super TP and LDW Insurances

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Super CDW Coverage

This insurance completely waives the excess in case there is damage to the rental car (with the exception of administration fees, that are collected directly by the car supplier). Please note, a similar coverage may be offered to you, at times, by insurance companies or third parties. therefore, if your voucher includes the Super CDW insurance - make sure not to purchase a similar coverage. You will not be reimbursed for double insurances.

Super TP Insurance

This insurance completely waives the excess in case of theft of the rental car (with the exception of administration fees, that are collected directly by the car supplier). Please note, a similar coverage may be offered to you, at times, by insurance companies or third parties. therefore, if your voucher includes the Super TP insurance - make sure not to purchase a similar coverage. You will not be reimbursed for double insurances.

Loss Damage Waiver

This insurance is usually used in the USA and is a combination of both insurances mentioned above.   

It is emphasized that all of the insurance policies specified in the car voucher do not cover in any case damage to: lower chassis (in accordance with the definition of the car supplier), clutch, upholstery, window panes damage to the tires or flat tire repairs and any indirect and incidental expense related thereto, towing of the car, key replacement and damages to the car content or the passengers.

These policies also do not cover damages as a result of drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs, negligent driving (in accordance with the definition of the car provider), driving on unpaved roads, force majeure incidents, leaving the car keys unattended, car cleaning fees if the car is returned unreasonably dirty as specified above. Please note that according to the European regulation, having a spare tire in the car is not mandatory, but rather a temporary repair kit until the replacement of the tire.

When signing the Car Rental Agreement, the Car Supplier may offer you additional insurance coverages, some of which mights already be included in the Voucher. It is your responsibility to ensure whether such insurance coverages are included in the Voucher or not. Please note, if under the Car Rental Agreement you shall purchase additional insurance coverages, you will be solely and exclusively responsible for the costs of such coverages and you shall not be entitled to any refund from Car Hire Brokers with respect to the purchase of such additional coverages as mentioned above, even if such coverages provide similar or overlapping insurance coverages to those included in the Voucher.

The car rental deal does not include medical insurance and / or bodily injury or property insurance, for the driver, any additional driver and / or passengers in the renal car, including as a result of road accidents that may be caused using the leased vehicle. You should, therefore, purchase such insurance coverage (usually called PAI), independently and in accordance with the appropriate insurance coverage conditions.

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